Oops ip address issues

We are soo sorry same to be having problem with our new ip that came with our server, soo we try to use it look like we cant yet some reason we have revert to old one for now until we get it fix

most of you were trying to login but couldnt i am sorry ouyr dns wasnt updating as fast

http://audience.xml.adx1.com/?pubid=36976&subid=1&feedid=7173&q=test&useragent=Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_8_3) AppleWebKit/537.31 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/26.0.1410.65 Safari/537.31 &ip=

Grid is now up

yay we have fix db problem prevent region server sstart properly, now login is enable

in this version we have media on prim same way as wee do on sl, but if any of you is able to build viewer and lightshare and media on prim we do want like to have

Viewer and LightShare know as Windlight

hello everyone, i though i would tell you about viewer and lightshare. our current viewer will not support LightShare,  soo  those who is using our viewer .  try imprudence 1.30 beta 5. not reccommended use on rc1 not tested fully however if you continue use AnSky Viewer you will not see cool effect

when u adding new grid click on grid manager then add http://grid.ansky.ca:8002 then hit get grid info and hit ok change grid and login