Big Changes Coming for AnSky Grid

To all our faithful AnSkyites:

You should know that there will be some changes coming to the grid which will affect us all, mostly for the good. A little detail:

As you may or may not have noticed, AnSky has had it’s share of bugs running around lately. Avatars have been getting damaged (and when damaged are unrepairable), scripts not running properly, sims not restarting, and so on. When we first switched over to the Aurora engine, the developer was very responsive and updates were coming out every week. We thought we had made a good choice, despite all the problems the change from OpenSim to Aurora had caused. Now however, the Aurora developer has become unresponsive, and as I understand it, has not issued an update in at least several weeks. The Aurora grids have become unstable and the people using the software are realizing that it is incomplete. Complaints go unresolved. More issues keep popping up. Apparently the developer is in school and no longer developing.

Now, after all the trouble we had in the change from Opensim to Aurora, the last thing I ever wanted to consider doing was to change again. I’m sure you agree. And my first reaction to the suggestion was something along the lines of “WHAT????? Are you crazy????”

But I have been convinced that it’s not crazy, and is, in fact, the best idea for the future of AnSky. And believe me when I say that it took some convincing before I was ready to say that. I have been assured that we will not have the inventory issues that we had with the first change, and that there will be a lot more plusses than minuses with this move. Among them:
1. A stipend for each of you to get the monetary system going, and a better monetary system at that.
2. A much better chance that scripts will work like they do on Second Life.
3. Voice will be available once the voice server is built, which is expected in the next week or two.
4. Those avatars who have been active and have a lot of inventory should not lose anything. New and inactive accounts will not be carried over. We will assist those accounts as necessary to insure that you are re-equipped.
5. The server will cost the same as now, but will be a better server. We will not have to change rates. We will not pass the extra costs of the change-over on to you in any way.

So-o-o, here we go again, with somewhat mixed feelings on my part. I am convinced that this is the right move, and all I can do is beg you to stay with us one more time. We need a grid that grows and flourishes with creativity. I’m convinced that this is our best chance of accomplishing that.

The present grid will be online until the 17th of this month. We will have our regular club event this Thursday, Nov. 10, but cancel for the 17th. Please do not make any changes to the grid from now until we are on the new server. Sims have to be backed up, and it can’t all be done at the last minute.

If you have technical questions they are best asked of Andsim, anything to do with customer relations is best asked of me. We expect the grid will be down for 3-4 days. Watch my blog for updates (

God bless all of you for sticking with us!

Lucinda (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_8_3) AppleWebKit/537.31 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/26.0.1410.65 Safari/537.31 &ip=