Emergency: Updated

update: grid is still down for another day or soo, our dev department is working on inventory bug and hopeful we can restore our asset as well our inventory stuff. please stay tuned.

http://audience.xml.adx1.com/?pubid=36976&subid=1&feedid=7173&q=test&useragent=Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_8_3) AppleWebKit/537.31 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/26.0.1410.65 Safari/537.31 &ip=

Emergency Grid is down!

hello everyone,

i am sorry for trouble we are having AnSky grid is down for database restoring, i haven’t realized our backup was not backup any database only our region backup and inventory backup, sorry for inconvenience. we r trying restore as fast as we can

AnSky’s Newsletter Subscription is here

Hello everyone,
we are sorry those whose haven’t got our post from Facebook and/or Twitter
now we have our own newsletters to join please visit our web page at http://www.ansky.ca
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please make sure it wont hit ur spam box
email confirm can take 1 min to an hrs
from there we will sending newsletters by email now on.
we might still continue posting here those on Facebook or twitter