
AnSky is slowly coming back to life. We are going to try to have our event tonight, although the grid is not up as I write this. I’ll keep you posted. Thanks for your patience and support! God bless! (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_8_3) AppleWebKit/537.31 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/26.0.1410.65 Safari/537.31 &ip=

Who took the bug spray?

Hi all! AnSky is still having problems, so since we want you to have a good experience when you visit, we are cancelling Club events until further notice. Andsim has made a huge amount of progress, but there’s still issues and we want to make sure the new engine is well-tuned before we take off again. Could be we’ll be fine by Wed., but not sure so stay tuned.

Just a little FYI

If you have downloaded the new viewer from the website, after you have put in the grid information, the viewer window may tell you that we are offline. Just one of the numerous bugs that Andsim has been stomping, but he hasn’t quite gotten that one yet. Try to log on, we are probably up and running.