Hooray! The AnSky Grid is reopened! Sorry to keep you waiting for so long, but you will see that the wait was worth it. We had to stomp a few bugs after we moved to a different server, and the little critters proved to be elusive. Anyway, here below is what you can expect. There are a few changes.
Of course the public sims are still under construction, but Welcome and the Club sim are coming along nicely. Wolfy is going to be lurking on the Club sim, ad he as adopted a new forest, so keep a watch for strange doings and also for his store.
We do have a new in-world support system. If you run into a griefer or any sort of emergency like that, you can type /911 and send us your emergency message. If you don’t hear from us within 2 minutes, then please email Andsim (andsim@ansky.ca) or Lucinda (lucinda@ansky.ca).
More info on what you can expect in the next post.
Hooray! The AnSky Grid is reopened
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