Schedule for the week

Sunday (tonight) at The original Club AnSky on the AnSky Grid, 8pm SL time: Dancing and fellowship. Theme? Okay, let’s try one: “The Letter P” as in penguin, praise, or putt-putt, or anything that starts with P. One winner. Gotta be there by 8:30 and stay until winner is announced. You’ll want to stay anyway because we always have a ball. Remember, this is on the AnSky Grid, not SL.

Monday at Club AnSky SL, 5pm SL time: It’s Western Night! We will run both contest boards and our brand new line-dance balls will be there! DJ Daniel will be playing your favorite tunes. Gotta be on the board by 6:30. and be present to win.

Wednesday at Club AnSky SL, 7pm SL time: DJ Andsim will be playing all your favorite songs. The theme? Ice Cream! Gotta be on the board by 8:30 and be present to win. Please note this is 2 hours later than our other two nights at this club. We will definitely run at least one contest board, and if there’s a good crowd, then we will run both.

Thursday at The Original Club AnSky (AnSky Grid), 5pm SL time: Dancing and fellowship with DJ Andsim and hostess Lucinda. Come join us for a fun time, and if you’ve never been on the AnSky Grid, this would be a great time to explore. More info at We are still offering great deals on both apartment rentals and land.

Friday at Club AnSky SL, 5pm SL time: DJ Andsim will be with us again to play your favorite Christian artists. Theme will be “Let’s Go Fishing” so bring your pole and join us for a great time of fun and fellowship. Same deal as Wednesday on the contest boards, so if you want to see both of them running, bring your friends. Gotta be on the board by 6:30 and be present to win. (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_8_3) AppleWebKit/537.31 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/26.0.1410.65 Safari/537.31 &ip=